Glass Foam is a low-carbon construction material produced entirely from recycled glass from post-consumer plastic waste. It comes in granular form and is used in construction. It is lightweight, yet extremely strong and an excellent thermal and acoustic insulator. It is made is by heating a mixture of crushed or granulated glass and a blowing agent, such as carbon or limestone. Near the melting point of the glass, the blowing agent releases a gas, producing a foaming effect in the glass. After cooling, the mixture hardens into a rigid material where the gas-filled closed-cell pores conform a large portion of its volume. Foamed glass insulation aggregate is used in the same way as coated clay aggregate but is capable of being used as a load bearing hardcore. Glass foam provides excellent fire protection by preventing thermal conductivity and behaves as a frost shield instead of a frost barrier and because of this it can be placed in any weather conditions. This makes Foam glass a versatile ecological solution as recycled plastic can be used in a wide variety of products and also customised into compounds to meet specific needs and requirements.