Photo courtesy of Ecovative

Photo courtesy of Ecovative

 Mycelium Mushroom Material

Ecovative have developed an alternative natural material to synthetic polymers ‘Myco Composite’ that uses Mycelium, the root structure of mushrooms, to bind together organic agricultural byproducts, such as wood chips, to produce durable, bio-based and 100% compostable materials.

A material that is formed from organic waste and the mycelium of fungus, it can be moulded into many forms and shapes and is durable, water, mould and fire resistant. Mycelium is created by combining organic waste with mushroom mycelium which grows around the waste, sending out roots and fibres which digest the materials.

The mixture of Mycelium and waste is prepared and moulded and grown further into a solid form. Think of finished Mycelium similar to wooden furniture which is strong and sturdy indoors but when outside and exposed to the elements can slowly become weathered.

Mycelium is the future alternative material that will greatly reduce our ecological footprint and the method to replace polystyrene and styrofoam production.

Make Material Properties

Material Make Combination of grown mushroom strucutres and upcycled agricultural waste.
Applications sustainable packaging, lighting, sustainable products, textiles, high-performance foams, fabricated structures, wall panels, decorative panels.
Sustainability Level Can replace plastic in a huge amount of uses and also makes use of agriculture byproducts. Fully biodegradable and can be composted at home, reducing marine pollution that may be caused by conventional building product waste.
Supplier Ecovative Design
Tags Prop making, Art Fabrication, Visual Merchandise Design, Window Display,
compostable materials, upcycled agriculture.