Photo courtesy of Material District

Photo courtesy of Material District

 Wood Skin

An intriguing composite material that aesthetically resembles patterned wood but is foldable like a sheet that can be layered upon most surfaces. Creating Wood Skin is more of a digital fabrication process by CNC-ing a certain pattern into the wood, allowing it to fold in different directions and become a flexible mesh.

Available in many different patterns and colours , and can be designed to any shape and size. Excellent material that resembles organic skin, for architectural and interior design projects. WoodSkin simplifies the process of making complex shapes by removing the necessity of a malleable understructure to support them

Make Material Properties

Material Make Wood sourced from Timber and is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)Certified.
Applications Decorative walls, interior and exterior façade decoration, lighting, furniture.
Sustainability Level WOOD-SKIN composite come from forests where natural diversity is protected.
Supplier Wood Skin
Tags Prop making, Art Fabrication, Visual Merchandise Design, Window Display,
sustainable harvesting