Photo courtesy of StoneCycling

Photo courtesy of StoneCycling

 StoneCycling: Sustainable Construction Materials

StoneCycling have developed a method to pulverise recycled building materials from demolition sites to create a new type of brick material that can be turned into products like surface materials and tiles for sustainable construction and architecture.

The high-quality building materials that are made from waste meet industry standards and are already used all over the world for both interiors and exteriors of high-end residential and commercial real estate.

They also make for great table tops and plinths!

Make Material Properties

Material Make Debris from construction, demolition and industrial processes.
Applications plinths, display counters, exterior and interior of buildings
Sustainability Level The construction industry is responsible for one third of all CO2 emissions in Europe. Using StoneCycling negates the need for sourcing raw materials.
Supplier StoneCycling
Tags Prop making, Art Fabrication, Visual Merchandise Design, Window Display, recycled stone