Image courtesy of Institute of Making Materials

Self Healing Concrete

Concrete is widely produced and used all over the world, and its popularity is expected to be maintained over several decades at the very least. This green self-healing alternative of concrete can fix its cracks. It heals when water reactivates dormant bacterias in the cracks. 

Designed to decrease the amount of new concrete produced every year; self-healing concrete is an incredible innovation that self-activating Limestone producing bacteria into its surfaces.

This material is taken from the Institute of Making Materials Library - a collection of some of the most wondrous materials on earth, gathered from sheds, labs, grottoes and repositories around the world. It is a resource, laboratory, studio, and playground for the curious and material-minded to conduct hands-on research through truly interdisciplinary inquiry and innovation. Very handy if you are looking for some inspiration!

Make Material Properties

Material Make Limestone-producing micro-organisms (bacteria), in concrete.
Applications fabricated or decorative elements
structural walls and panels
Sustainability Level Concrete is the second most-consumed material on Earth after water
Self-healing concrete cna decrease the amount of manufactured new concrete a year.
Supplier Basilisk
Tags Prop making, Art Fabrication, Visual Merchandise Design, Window Display, Concrete.