Photo courtesy of Earthborn

Photo courtesy of Earthborn

 Earthborn Eco-friendly Paints

Earthborn paints are void of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and toxic oils and chemicals that are still found in the market leaders. Earthborn Eco-friendly Paints are also free of acrylic and vinyl, making them completely non-toxic.

Both interior and exterior paints are available that are eco-aware and have the official EU eco-label, one of our favourites is earthborn paints, see more info about their paints here.

Make Material Properties

Material Make Paints are made out of clay, which has the bonus effects of reducing condensation, mould and mildew.
Applications Interior & exterior decorative surface painting.
Sustainability Level Containing zero VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds)- the gases given off by paints that contain solvents. Making them non-toxic. Licensed with EU Ecolabel; minimises the various environmental impacts at each stage of the paint's life
Supplier Earthborn
Tags Art Fabrication, Prop Making, Visual Merchandise Design, Window Display,
eco-friendly paint